Some people in your life will always be envious, they will never be happy with you, with what you do. They will always bicker behind your back and talk about you ceaselessly.
I’m very thoughtful and a very emotional person. I would cry at the thought of a person that I love who would think bad of me or my actions. But it puts me at a disadvantage all the time. So this year, I want to portray a person who is still thoughtful but would care less of what they think of me. I can never please everybody but I want to please myself first and the people in my circle of influence.
What about you? Do you have that circle of people who would always say hi, be courteous but thinks bad of you?
Another thing I do is practice of Ho'oponopono in just four easy steps.
Step 1: Repentance – JUST SAY: I'M SORRY. ...
Step 2: Ask Forgiveness – SAY: PLEASE FORGIVE ME. ...
Step 3: Gratitude – SAY: THANK YOU. ...
Step 4: Love – SAY: I LOVE YOU.