Share this post360 Shorts by Maida BTomorrow is the last day of the yearCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreTomorrow is the last day of the yearA Short Poem for The First Day Of YearMaida BarrientosJan 01, 20221Share this post360 Shorts by Maida BTomorrow is the last day of the yearCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareText within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWhat day is it?Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedIs it the 1st day of the year?Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWhat now, what now?Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedDo your shit today for tomorrow.Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedNot tomorrow but today.Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedBecause seconds and time are fleetingText within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedBefore you know it, tomorrow is the last day of the year....PreviousNext